What is poem?

A poetically portrayed question presented by Michelle Humphris at a recent ‘Poems After Dark’
Michelle was a first time performer at this bi-monthly open mic event where anyone who has a poem, story or any other form of spoken word is invited to perform. The work can be original or read from a favourite author. We have been delighted by readings of Field Candy’s beautifully observed short stories of rural farm life in New Zealand as well as William Robert Boyd’s hilarious childhood memoirs. So come along and perform, or just sit back and enjoy! $5 cover charge, bring a plate. Saturday November 27th, 6-8pm Magnify Church Cafe, 118 Commercial Road. More info? Contact Pauline paulinekiwidenton@gmail.com
Michelle’s Poem
What is a Poem???
I often wondered what a poem was
Is it a song written in rhyming verse
but then discarded, because the tune
doesn’t fit? So we called it a poem

Is it a part of your life -
a brief glimpse into an emotion
a happy time
or a traumatic time perhaps…

Is it supposed to be written in
Olde English, betwixt the jumbled
prose, that neither makes or doth not
make sense…does that make sense??

I enjoy the Japanese poems - 3 lines & to the
point, or the long explanatory ones - speaking
of wars or loss or love, they are my
favourites…but well, I guess poems
Can be whatever we want them to be

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