Two of the many sculptures which amaze and intrigue visitors
Many “aha moments” are expected by visitors checking out sculptures on Gibbs Farm along the Kaipara Harbour.
Citizens Advice Bureau Helensville hosts its next trip there on Thursday, September 23- but you need to get in quick to book now.
The event costs $60 and includes transport and lunch.
Since New Zealand-born businessman and entrepreneur Alan Gibbs bought the property in 1991, he has developed his international art collection attracting gob-smacking interest from all visiting the rural retreat.
The artworks with an abstract minimalism genre simply mould to the environment as the emu stride and the buffalo play.
The day involves plenty of walking and spectacular views- so bring your walking shoes, clothes for any change of weather, a camera and a big smile!
Registration forms are available from the bureau at 27 Commercial Rd from Monday to Friday, 10am to 1pm. Email helensville@cab.org.nz or phone 09 420 7162.