
by Noah Everard, Year 13 Student, Kaipara College

Now August, a very strange month, you are. An intermediary of sorts. Not quite the end of the year, but not quite the middle either. August: The calm before the storm. A false sense of calm to be frank. The same calm one feels before running a marathon or doing a grueling night shift. The month of September and all that follows is famous for its countless birthdays and last minute plans. August is the precipice on which we stand, waiting for it to fall beneath our feet, and be engulfed by the stress of later months.

Anyway, on a lighter note, the Kaipara College School Ball took place on the 27th of July. It was a great success. The food was grand, the music was good and everyone had a place to sit, not to mention how stellar we all looked in suit and dress. I’m extremely happy with how my last high-school ball turned out. During the event I felt calm, not worrying about any silly insecurities. Instead, I smiled and hugged all my friends, not feeling a shred of negativity. Being part of the Ball Committee, it was exponentially more satisfying to see everything run smoothly. All the long meetings, filled with tedious planning and countless emails, paid off. A special thank you to Alexandra Park, for providing us with the venue and such an easy way of things.

During this month I was luckily able to watch the Kaipara College School Production, Alice’s Revenge. It was thrilling, written and directed by our drama teacher, Steve Lunt, who included clever set design, witty dialogue and even a live choir. Each component amalgamated into a spectacular performance, giving students a chance to display their theatrical talents. I have always loved the school production. As well as being a platform for students to express themselves, it creates an atmosphere of pure comradery. Everyone is in the same boat, everyone is equally as nervous as each other and desire above all, to produce a great show. I have made several long lasting friendships due to the production and I am forever grateful for its existence.

A Lot of things end or start in August. For me… it was the football season. Soon, also hockey and rugby will finish their last game of the season, or for year thirteens, the last high-school game ever. I loved football; the sweat, the laughs, the beautiful game! Kick the ball and get a goal, pass some more and you’ll win it all.

Now, as September nears, the footsteps of Mock exams approaches. I wish the best to anyone who bears the weight of this yearly ritual. Study hard and study some more. Try stay sane though, who knows what staring at a page can do to a person?

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