Connection update

CONNECTION, Shop 3, Helensville Railway Station, next to The Shoppe and Ginger Crunch café.

Regular events- events:

Monday - Reiki with Heather by appointment 0220366985
Wednesday - Flax Weaving Circle with Heather. $20 for 2 hours to learn some basics, come along anytime between 10.30am and 2.30pm.

Friday - Sewing Circle with Chrissy. Postponed, but see our facebook page for updates.

Creative Workshops:

Creative Wellbeing Group - with Yana.  Phone 0211453233 for dates and details.

Thrive Arts - with Erica and Rose. See their facebook page for details, Thrive Arts NZ.


Te Aho Tapu - The Sacred Thread, Labour Weekend.
Friends of Connection Hub - Labour Weekend.

Visit our facebook page - Connection Hub - for updates and details.

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