Helensville Library and Service Centre update

Thank you to all of our younger customers and their whanau, who joined us for our Wackadoo Party. It was wonderful seeing everyone enjoy the full use of our facilities again.

And, again, at the Family Fun Day on Sunday 20 October, hosted by the Rodney Local Board.

Rates due reminder:

The next rates instalment is due 29 November. You can pay online, at the KiwiBank counter in Helensville Paper Plus Select, or at our council services desk. You should receive your invoice from 1 November.

Upcoming events:

Find us at Big Little Local on 23 November at Rautauwhiri Park!

Falls Prevention Talk: Thursday 5 December at 10am in the meeting room. [Flyer attached separately]

Raumati Reads – Auckland Libraries’ summer reading programme – starts in December.

Mark your dairies: Santa will be at storytime on Thursday 19 December. Visit our Facebook page, or see next month’s newsletter for details.

Do you have a library card? It is easy to get your shiny new library card!

It really is easy. Just turn up to the library with photo ID and talk to our friendly library staff. They’ll set you up with a free library card.

To access eCollections and online resources right away, join the library online! https://www.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz/Pages/join-the-library.aspx

Regular events:

Kids Time, for under 6s and their grown-ups: Wednesdays, 10am to 10.30am

Crafternoon for adults: Thursdays, 3pm to 4.30pm

Crafternoon for kids: Thursdays, 3.30pm to 4.30pm.

Book Chat: Thursday 28 November, 10am to 11am. Bring along a book, or two, you’ve enjoyed – or no! – to share with fellow readers.

Our hours are:

Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm

Saturday: 9am to 1pm.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for any updates: facebook.com/HelensvilleLibraryAndServiceCentre

Anne Coppell

Senior Librarian / Poukōkiri - Children & Youth / Helensville Library and Service Centre

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