Auckland Zoo visit!
On Wednesday 15 January, at 1pm, the Auckland Zoo education team will be visiting Helensville Library, as part of our Raumati Reads summer reading programme.
Caring for kararehe creatively these holidays! Join Auckland Zoo at your local library this summer where we’ll be learning how to look after ourselves and our whânau, the animals at the Zoo... and what you could do for your pets at home!
Visitors to these free educational sessions will have the opportunity to reflect on how we care for living things using Te Whare Tapa Whâ and the Five Domains of Animal Welfare models.
You’ll learn how to connect to the natural environment with a range of hands-on activities that help to translate curiosity and compassion into meaningful actions for te taiao. We will be experimenting with recycled and repurposed materials to create engaging enrichment items for animals to use. Whether you’re a pet owner or zoo fan, there will be something for everyone to get their paws stuck into!
Raumati Reads: Summer Reading Programme
It’s not too late for children to join our summer reading programme. Visit our website for more information.
Our regular programmes continue over January:
Kids Time, for under 6s and their grown-ups: Wednesdays, 10am to 10.30am
Crafternoon for adults: Thursdays, 3pm to 4.30pm
Crafternoon for kids: Thursdays, 3.30pm to 4.30pm.
Report a problem with Auckland Council
While you’re out and about over summer, you may see something that needs fixing.
The Auckland Council website is your best place to start.
Alternatively, you can phone Auckland Council 24/7 on 09 301 01 01.
Our hours are:
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page for any updates:
Anne Coppell
Senior Librarian / Poukōkiri - Children & Youth / Helensville Library and Service Centre