When Natural Hazards Strike- Who You Gonna Call?

Perish the thought! No-one wants to go through another slamming of flooding and cyclones. Muriwai and South Kaipara encountered the tragedy and the trauma, the un-ending questions and “what ifs.”

Recovering, if possible, from rampant disaster is also an enduring, painful experience with organising everything from insurance and contacting the relevant authorities to moving off properties and waiting for building and renovations. Some of our friends have never or could never, or even want to, return.

Since this wild and woolly wake-up call recognising we can never control nature, our resilient communities are in mitigation mode, much better armed against the complacency of “this could never happen to us.” It’s encouraging to know emergency and networking groups are ready in different pockets of our coastal and country piece of paradise for the next “it will happen” experience.

“At Citizens Advice Bureau Helensville, there is always information being updated as the tides of change happen,” says manager Rani Timoti of Muriwai. The Earthquake Commission has been replaced by the Natural Hazards Commission and volunteers can help cover questions like:

  • Is there someone who can advocate for me, if I have a dispute with my insurer?
  • How do I make a complaint about my insurance company?
  • Is my house insured in the event of a natural disaster?
  • Who is responsible for repairs when the neighbour’s land slips onto my property, causing damage?

Volunteers can also access a recent webinar with the Natural Hazards Commission and NZ Claims Resolution service if needing to research for clients.

“It’s also encouraging that we can tap into the current knowledge and resources of the long-standing Community Support Network Group which meets monthly at our venue,” says Rani. “Its roots go deep in South Kaipara with fellow groups, organisations and agencies ready and willing to support each other- particularly when nature shows the beast in its beauty.”

CAB Helensville is open from Monday to Friday, 10am to 1pm or Saturday, 10am to noon. On Tuesdays we have our budget clinic and everyday there is a JP available on site or nearby.

Potential volunteers are always welcome. Contact details: Email: manager.helensville@cab.org.nz or phone 09 420-7162 or pop in to ask for an application at our office at 16 Commercial Rd, Helensville.

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